Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Trooper

In 1983, Iron Maiden, an English Heavy metal rock band released their version of the song based on Tennyson's poem, The Charge of the Light Brigade, in their album, Piece of Mind. The song was called "The Trooper". It was written by their Bassist and songwriter, Steve Harris.

You take my life but I'll take yours too
You fire your musket but I run you through
So when you're waiting for the next attack
You'd better stand there's no turning back.

The bugle sounds - the charge begins
But on this battlefield no one wins
The smell of acrid smoke and horses breath
As I plunge on into certain death.


The horse he sweats with fear - we break to run
The mighty roar of the Russian guns
And as we race towards the human wall
The screams of pain as my comrades fall.

We hurdle bodies that lay on the ground
And the Russians fire another round
We get so near yet so far away
We won't live to fight another day.


We get so close near enough to fight
When a Russian gets me in his sights
He pulls the trigger and I feel the blow
A burst of rounds take my horse below.

And as I lay there gazing at the sky
My body's numb and my throat is dry
And as I lay forgotten and alone
Without a tear I draw my parting groan.


- Steve Harris


shailysahay said...

Nice post. The significance of this blog lies in laying the connection between traditional poetry and rebellious heavy metal music. It facinates me infinitely to see how different forms of art flow into each other. Intertwining of different art forms is something all creatives love. Cheers. And yea, Tennyson rocks! :)

CHARVEE said...

Yes.. u got me.. my intention was exactly tht... People who r not into rock metal music tend to think it as pure noise... sumthing unwelcoming, but its sumthing more than tht... the lyrics are legendary... they r all about either war, love hate, politics, the darker shades mostly... and this basically is a pure example of how music is never noise, watever it might be... And it is original at tht... when maiden made it, it never even touched the tennyson lyrics, yet both hav to say th exact same thing... Thats th beauty of art.... same emotion , put in different forms !!! it sure is fascinating !! Thanks for liking it !! :) Peace!!